Your Optimal Physical Health
Some experts say that your health is the most important thing in your life, because without it you are simply unable to enjoy the other aspects of life as you would if you were healthy.
They say that health is more important than wealth, or that true wealth is actually your own good health.

The symbol I have chosen to incorporate into my logo and into the purpose of this website and my business, is the Zibu symbol for the “Acceptance of Optimal Health”.
There are two parts to this symbol – “acceptance” and “optimal health”.
The word “acceptance” reminds us that ultimately, the choice is ours. We can choose to take actions that will improve our health, or we can choose not to.
Choices are all around us. We can choose to eat a conscious, healthy, balanced diet, or we can choose not to.
We can choose to incorporate exercise and movement into our daily routine, or we can choose not to.
We can choose to work towards realizing our optimal health, or we can choose not to.
What Role Does Water Play?
Our bodies are made up of water – in fact 60% to 70% of the adult human body is water.
Water is literally the source of life, without it we cannot survive.
Most of us have heard about the potential dangers and contaminants in our tap water.
We know about the sustainability issues, plastic waste, and high costs associated with drinking bottled water.
What most of us haven’t heard about are the incredible solutions are are available to us.
Step 1: Filtration
Since most of us these days have running water in our homes, the easiest and most affordable way to get clean, fresh, contaminant free water in our homes is with the use of in-home filtration devices – these come in the form of whole-home filtration systems, and point-of-use systems such as drinking water filtration units that attach directly to a kitchen faucet, or showerhead.
There are over 16,000 of these filtration options in the US alone, so it is important to know what you should be looking for when it comes to filtration.
The NSF is the company that oversees and provides all certifications and the process to obtain NSF certification is intense, and expensive. As a result, many companies claim that they are “certified to NSF standards” rather than actually paying for the certification itself and becoming NSF certified.
In addition, there are many different types of NSF certifications, so the type is certification a company has is also very important.
For example, many companies are certified to remove the aesthetic effects of chlorine (ie: taste and smell), but they do not actually remove the chlorine itself. So that is another reason that filters very in price and performance.
When it comes to contaminant removal, you don’t want to use a filter and think the contaminants are being removed, and then come to find out later that they were not, and you were actually consuming them.
I have partnered with the top-rated filtration company in the US/Canada and we provide exceptional solutions for in-home filtration. Find out more about filtration systems and the Multipure Promise. And if you are considering both filtration and ionization, be sure to ask me about my filtration + ionization savings bundle. Book your Discovery Call!
Step 2: Ionization
Once you have access to clean, fresh, contaminant-free drinking water, it’s time to really prioritize your health and take your water game to the next level. Afterall, your body IS made up of around 70% water… and the type of water you are putting into your body has a direct correlation on your energy and your overall health.
Unlike regular water, electrolyzed reduced water (or ionized alkaline water) provides your body with antioxidants, beneficial ionized minerals, and superior hydration.
And to be clear, we are NOT just talking about the “alkaline water” being bottled and sold in the stores.
That type of alkaline water is created by adding chemicals to purified water, simply to raise the pH above 7.0. This water
And we are not just talking about the water that comes from a reverse osmosis purification device that has been stripped of all beneficial minerals, leaving it “dead”.
Electrolyzed reduced water (ionized water / hydrogen-rich water) is a different type of water that’s produced using a medical device called a water ionizer. An ionizer is an electronic device that sits on your countertop (or under your sink) and connects easily to your kitchen faucet.
Ionized water is water from your tap that has gone through an electrolysis process inside the machine, which changes the molecular structure of the water.
In this process, the water becomes transformed, and super-charged with tiny little bonded hydrogen gas molecules (called H2 or molecular hydrogen), and the pH of the water is increased from an acidic or neutral level to an electrically charged alkaline state.
Molecular hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant has been shown in clinical trials to have therapeutic potential in over 170 different disease models in both humans and animals.
And drinking water rich with molecular hydrogen is one of the most effective delivery processes for this incredible antioxidant.
And this is why ionized hydrogen-rich water is gaining recognition from doctors, nutritionists, athletes, and health-conscious people all over the world.
If you think of the water in our bodies as if it were like the oil in a car… isn’t it time to give your body a flush and an upgrade?
Our bodies are made predominantly of water, and the type of water you consume has a direct correlation to how you feel.
But What About the Water We Don’t Drink?
Did you know that your skin is your body’s largest organ?
And since your skin absorbs what it comes in contact with, what you put onto your skin ends up inside of your body.
Unfortunately, not all of those things are good.
We are constantly surrounded by pollutants, chemicals, and harmful contaminants coming from the air, water, and environments that we come in contact with.
- Did you know that chlorine in our tap water is a health hazard to both children and adults, or that the risk of developing cancer is 93% higher and people who drink or otherwise exposed to chlorinated water?
- As you are bathing, washing your face, brushing your teeth, and washing your hands, your skin absorbs the chemicals and contaminants in that tap water.
- Did you know that your body absorbs more toxic exposure and contaminants from showering/bathing in tap water than you do from drinking it?
- During the course of one 10-minute shower, your body is able to absorb more chlorine than you would when drinking eight glasses of that same unfiltered tap water.
- When we take hot or steamy showers in chlorinated tap water, we also inhale and ingest these chemical gases into our bodies and our lungs.
- When the chlorine in hot tap water comes in contact with the organic materials on your skin (body oils, dead skin cells, sweat, urine, etc.) if forms dangerous compounds called trihalomethanes (chloroform, bromoform, etc.). These TTHM’s have been linked to cancer, birth defects, and other health related concerns.
- Research shows that we absorb up to six times more volatile chemicals through our lungs and skin while bathing than we do from drinking chlorinated water.
Benefits of De-chlorination, Filtration and Remineralization
- De-chlorination, filtration and re-mineralization systems are made specifically for showers and baths, and ensure that your skin stays healthy, clean and hydrated by filtering out all chlorine and adding back in the minerals that our skin and hair truly need.
- Whole-home filtration systems are an excellent solution for homes with multiple baths that would benefit from a single-source filtration system to remove chlorine, chloramine, and limescale.
- De-chlorination devices are easy-to-install point-of-use devices that simply drop into your bath or attach directly to your showerhead for quick and easy chlorine removal.
- Remineralization systems like the mineral ion shower spa are able to produce a continuous stream of healthy ionized mineral water. They use a large ceramic cartridge that removes nearly 100% of chlorine and other harmful substances in your tap water. They different minerals and stones to ionize the water, which will leave your hair, skin, and body looking and feeling more hydrated than ever before. The pH of the water after being filtered through the mineral ion shower spa is approximately 6.0 pH, which is similar to the pH of fresh rainwater, and is incredibly beneficial for the skin and hair.
Where Can I Buy??
These incredible filtration, de-chlorination, ionization, and remineralization products are not sold via retail outlets. They are sold by word-of-mouth referrals, and are sold directly to you, from distributors like me.

I chose to work with these filtration and ionization companies because they offer complimentary products that enhance one another, they are both the industry leaders in their respective filtration and ionization industries, and because I am in complete alignment with the missions, goals, and values of both companies.
I believe that by drinking filtered and ionized, contaminant-free, hydrogen-rich water…
and by encouraging sustainability and reducing our need for single-use plastics…
and by making conscious water choices our homes, in our lives, and for our planet…
we are able to move closer and closer to achieving our goal of optimal health.
Our bodies are incredible, and they are capable of so much amazing healing.
If our health is our wealth, and our true goal is acceptance of our own optimal health, then hydrating our bodies with the best water possible, and limiting the contaminants we allow into our bodies is the clear choice we should all be making!
While most of us are familiar with at least some of the aspects of filtration, I know that for you the concepts and science behind ionization may be “new” to you.
And because I also know that as humans we tend to resist the “new” and “unknown”, this website is here as a resource to provide information and value to you as you research, learn, and begin to understand all things related to contamination, filtration, ionization, hydration.
I am sure as you explore this site, you will begin to see and understand what an amazing difference the filtration+ionization duo would make in your own life.

Where Do I Begin?
I am here to guide you on your journey, and to answer any questions you might have.
To get started… you may want to learn more about electrolyzed reduced water, or the Electrolysis Process that produces it.
Or you might want to learn more about the health benefits of molecular hydrogen, or the benefits of drinking this hydrogen-rich water.
Or you might be curious about the financial aspects of the business and how it relates to your own Optimal Financial Health.
Whichever path you choose, I encourage you to approach it with an open mind. Technology is constantly changing, and we are continually learning, and making incredible medical advances and new discoveries.
Remember, we once thought the world was flat, lightbulbs didn’t always exist, and we used to use telephones with rotary dials.
And then, when laptops, smart phones, and flat-screen TV’s first came out – no one really thought they needed them.
And just look at us now!
We are starting to understand the importance of drinking clean, clear, fresh water, and home filtration units are becoming more common. (I also am your go-to gal for filtration as well – you can learn more about that here.)
Before we know it, these incredible ionizer machines and amazing filtration devices will be standard appliances in homes around the world.
I hope that you enjoy learning this relatively new and incredibly beneficial information, as much as I have enjoyed putting it all together for you. This water has had a profound impact on my life, and I am honored to share it with you.
Cheers to your health, wealth, and hydration!
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
~ Red Queen, Alice in Wonderland

If you have questions, would like to learn more about these industry-leading water ionizer machines, filtration systems, or if you'd like to learn more about creating your own income stream with this amazing business model, then message me, or Schedule Your FREE Discovery Call Now!