Deepest Fear Inventory
The “Deepest Fear Inventory” is a practice that was developed by Carolyn Grace Elliott, and discussed in her book Existential Kink.
I have been using this practice for a while now and I find it extremely helpful.
Here are the instructions for the Deepest Fear Inventory practice, as provided by Carolyn Elliott on her website: Deepest Fear Inventory — Carolyn Elliott (
From the author:
This is one of my favorite practices of all time — I give these instructions for it also in my Existential Kink book – it’s inspired by the Marianne Williamson quote, “our deepest fear is not that we’re inadequate; our deepest fear is that we’re powerful beyond all measure.” ~ Carolyn Grace Elliott
To do Deepest Fear Inventory, you take a sheet of paper (and yes, it has to be paper and not a computer document because you’ll need to rip it up later)…
… at the top of the sheet of paper you write,
“Dear God [or Universe, or Hecate, or Hermes – however you like to address divinity],
I hate and resent _________ [fill in the blank with something you think you really want]….
… because I have deep fear that I _____________ [fill in the blank]
… because I have deep fear that I ______________
… because I have deep fear that I _______________
(write at least 20 deep fears, quick as you can)
At the bottom of the sheet of paper, write the following prayer:
“God, I ask that you remove these fears. I pray only for knowledge of your will for me and the power to carry it out. Amen.”
Next, find a trusted person to read your Deepest Fear Inventory aloud to. The person should just hear your Deepest Fear Inventory and say “thank you for your honesty” with no further discussion.
Then, you rip up your Deepest Fear Inventory sheet and say to your listener, “Thank you for listening,” then you throw away your little shreds of paper.
No holding onto an inventory “to remember what my fears are” or any nonsense like that — tear it up! Throw it away! It’s a banishing spell!
And if you’re wondering – yes, the “reading aloud” part is very essential.
There’s potent magic in being witnessed by another human consciousness as you acknowledge your fears and other emotional “stuff.”
Since you’re stuck at home, what better time than to dive into the most profound layers of your unconscious blocks in life?
Here’s an example Deepest Fear Inventory:
Dear God, I hate and resent receiving wealth easily and effortlessly [[something I think I want]]
… because I have deep fear that I find the need to hustle more exciting
… because I have deep fear that I don’t deserve it
… because I have deep fear that wealth has something to do with deservingness
… because I have deep fear that my old friends will resent me and envy me the more easily I receive wealth
… because I have deep fear that my ego will be unimportant if I receive easily and effortlessly
… because I have deep fear that I get a sense of importance and superiority from my work ethic
… because I have deep fear that I will lose touch with a sense of immediacy and gratitude
… because I have deep fear that I will be complacent
…. (etc., up to 20)
Dear God, I ask that you remove these fears. I pray only for knowledge of your will for me and the power to carry it out. Amen.
You can of course write multiple inventories surrounding one topic.
So after doing the above inventory, you could also write about “I hate and resent feeling highly valued and desired by other people” / “I hate and resent magnetizing all good things” / “I hate and resent always having much more than I need”…. and so on.
I hope you find this practice useful. Please reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, or would like to learn additional practices and tools for your personal development toolkit.

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