Your Optimal Mental Health

Holistic Healing through Energy and Water

As a holistic coach, I believe that we ALL have the power to live the lives we desire.  But often we just haven’t yet found the tools we need shift our reality and transform our lives.  In order to live a different life, we have to be willing to change (or give up) the life we have. We must start by making different choices and adjusting our path to point in a new direction.

“How does one become a butterfly?  You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” 

~Trina Paulus

Blue Butterflies

In order to bring about massive change and growth in your life, you must be willing to give up parts of yourself that no longer serve you, and you must be willing to go through the uncomfortable, in order to reach your goals.

When a caterpillar enters into it’s chrysalis things get uncomfortable, things get messy, and things break so that they can be put back together in a new (and better) way.

I am here to help you navigate and facilitate that growth.  You don’t have to go thru the uncomfortable or unknown alone.

We will focus on your mindset, limiting beliefs, abundance blocks, and we will focus on strengthening and solidifying your vision.  You will gain clarity of purpose, gain a deep understanding of your WHY, and be able to convey that with heart-centered positioning and messaging. We will dive into holistic healing through the use of energy and water and tap into your true potential. You will grow both personally and professionally, and while it may be a little new or uncomfortable, I promise you, that if you are willing to grow, the end result will be so worth it.

My goal is not to help everyone, my goal is to simply help those that are meant to transform their lives and ‘become the butterfly’ to embrace and navigate their transformation.  I work with elevated entrepreneurs and co-creators who are ready to step up and into their full self-worth as business owners.  I offer support, mentorship, and guidance in creating, setting and achieving their personal and professional goals.


  • I believe that society has trained us to settle for (and expect) average and mediocre.
  • I believe that we were simply not meant to live mediocre lives.
  • I believe that we are meant to create fulfilling, vibrant, abundant, incredible lives, and that we have the power to design the lives we desire.
  • I believe that through challenging the status-quo, through learning and understanding, and through discovery and personal growth, we are able to break through and achieve our highest potential.

My purpose is to inspire you. To challenge the way you think about and experience life.  To enable you to grow mentally, physically, and financially.  To encourage you to break through the barrier of “mediocre” in your life.  And to help you make the abundant life you desire become your reality.

You’ve got to be willing to step out of your comfort zone because that’s where the magic happens. And trust me if you are working with me there WILL be magic that happens.

Only 2.5 percent of the population has the innovator mentality. Innovators are willing to take greater risks than others. Most people don’t want to challenge the status quo or put in the effort.  If you are reading this, and you are an entrepreneur (or want to become one), you are most likely an Innovator, and I’d be honored to connect with you and be a part of your journey.

My coaching programs are geared for all entrepreneurs, coaches, direct sales and network marketing professionals, and anyone looking to get started creating an impact-driven business of their own.

As with any financial business, there is no guarantee of income or results. As a coach and mentor, I will be here to guide you, but ultimately what you receive out of the business will match what you put into it. This is not a get-rich plan. This is a long-game strategy with incredible potential.

If you are curious to learn more, I’m happy to share with you.

Learn more about the business opportunity and register to watch my “Freedom Blueprint” masterclass.

Learn more about my private coaching and mentorship programs.

If you have questions, would like to learn more about these industry-leading water ionizer machines, filtration systems, or if you'd like to learn more about creating your own income stream with this amazing business model, then message me, or Schedule Your FREE Discovery Call Now!